Wednesday, April 11, 2012


     Right now I would say that my motivation is great! I am so on fire for the Lord its awesome. Easter Services were amazing. So many people came and lives were touched. God is really moving in my church it has been incredible. This past week my motivation to get closer to God has grown so much, I love it. The Holy Spirit has been really taking over and worship at my church has been amazing. So many people wanting more of God and puting him first. It is so awesome and I cant wait to see what God has in store for us. For school, my motivation is getting better. I need to pass my classes so basically I just need to keep my head in the books. Lately I have been a little lazy, but my motivation kicked in and now im doing better. I just need to trust God more and not depend on my own understanding. He has plans to prosper not to harm, plans for hope and a future. So right now I just got to do my part, pass my classes and seek him first.

To Do List

Must Do:
Sisters Birthday Dinner

Should Do:

Can Do:
Wash Car
Walk Dog


valor - boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery.
"It was not courage, exactly; the object was not valor." (page 21)
When I think of valor I think of someone brave. Someone thats strong and couragous.
An easy clue that I found was when it says it was not courage and it was not valor. So basically it gave me the definition right their. To have valor is to have courage.
taut - tightly drawn; tense; not slack.
"the tongue taut."
When I saw the word taut I thought of the object was tight.
When I was reading the clue that I found was the way he was talking.
bewilderment - a confusing maze or tangle, as of objects or conditions.
"The emotions went from outrage to terror to bewilderment to guilt to sorrow and then back to outrage."
When I read this word I just thought that it was just another emotion.
The clues I found were all the emotions th that the author wrote.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Must Do:
Read my Bible
Go to class
Do my homework

Should Do:

Can Do:
Hang out with friends
Watch T.V.


shroudeda cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial.
"The very facts were shrouded in uncertainty." (Page 38)
The paramedic put a shroud over the drug dealers body.
A clue I found was when they said shrouded i thought of covered. Like the facts were covered in uncertainty.
tedious - wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker or writer; prolix.
"composing a few tedious, uninspired editorials from the campus newspaper." (Page 39)
I went on a long tedious journey last week.
A clue I found was the word uninspired. When I heard this i new that tedious couldn't mean anything good.
smug - contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness; complacent.
"Stupidly, with a kind of smug removal that can't be fathom..." (Page 39)
That stupid smug thought he could out swim that wave.
My clue was when I heard the word smug I thought of someone stupidly showing off and that is what the sentence is kind of talking about.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Long-Term: Become a Pastor
Mid-Term: Have a degree at Biola and find a good paying job.
Short-Term: Finish my general ed at fullerton college and transfer to Biola.

March 28th 2013

          Mrs. Henderson,
     Hey Angela it's Roger! Just writing this letter to thank you for teaching me so much in your Reading class. Honestly it has helped me so much with reading, writing papers, and speaking in front of people. I am so glad I took that class. So far I am almost done with my general education at fullerton college and when I am done I am going to transfer to Biola. It's going to be so awesome! So many of my friends go their already and they tell me it is definetly going to help me become a Pastor one day. I think I am going to major in biblical studies and then look for a bible teaching class at Whittier Christian but who knows what God has for me. Well, Thank You again for everything you've taught me! It has been great.

Sincerely, Roger


Friday, February 24, 2012

My Heart Revolution

     Honestly, there are many good and bad decisions that made a serious impact on my life today. From first loving baseball, then loving video games, and loving God. As far back as I can remember I see myself playing baseball. I played baseball for around 7 years, it was my life. I was an All-Star player that played almost every position. Around the last couple years of baseball I started playing video games. I was starting to get that addiction because I would rather play video games then even play baseball. During the time I started playing video games my mother started going to church. Eventually she started going every week and she would make me go with her. I was so addicted to my video games I would whine and tell her I didn't want to go, but little did I know, she was making one of  biggest impacts on my life. For about 4 years my mother would make me go to church with her. I knew there was a God but I just didn't really understand a lot. Until one day at school one of my friends invited me to this Christian Club. So I went their and my life hasn't been the same since. I actually gave it a chance and opened my heart to what this person had to say. I accepted Jesus into my heart and that's when Jesus just spread his love all over me. That day was the beginning of my true heart revolution. Ever since then, God has been molding me into the Man of God he has called me to be. I may not know all what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future. And all I got to do is put God first in my life, and I know he will provide all my needs. Because that's what his word says in Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."